Two types of Aircraft are available:The Rocket and UFO. Both handle differently, and your Rabbit Rescue Mission will depend on your mastery of both.
The Rocket has been a mainstay of the Rabbiteer Rescue Pilots for years. In fact, the very first Rocket flown by Commander Cabbage was actually a repurposed lunar lander back in the 1970's and allegedly inspired a new genre of arcade games on other worlds. A Rocket must fire in an upward trajectory to get any lift at all, and players must balance their inertia and speed against a ticking clock to rescue the Rabbit Colonists.
The UFO has been an interstellar favorite of Rookie Pilots for a long time. Veteran Pilots usually prefer the vastly superior carrying capacity of the Rocket, whilst the UFO Aircraft are simpler and have the benefit of Anti-Gravity technology. Thus Pilots need not battle gravity at all and instead focus entirely on navigation and handling. Your first UFO is actually a hand me down Underpowered Fishing Object formerly used by the Commander on fishing trips.
… You're gonna want to Upgrade to a faster UFO or Rocket right away. But it works great for Training!
Before each Rescue Mission, don't skip visiting the Hanger to buy Upgrades for your current UFO or Rocket, or purchase new Aircraft entirely!